Wednesday 23 February 2011

About Me

Currently I am studying National Diploma Art and Design at Bolton Community College. I really enjoy the course.  Last year for specialization I chose Illustration and Graphic. This year I am doing concept art, film and sound and Animation. 
I decided to apply for Illustration with Animation course because illustration class was the one that I enjoyed the most over two years studying art. Another reason is my passion for drawing and designing things. Drawing is my way of expressing myself and my emotions.  In every piece of work, even if it is the secondary source drawing I am trying to add something from myself.  I do not like to copy someone else’s work that is why I am always trying to change the elements that I do not like and add these that I think could improve the actual piece.  I found very interesting working with different techniques while creating illustrations but there are two that I enjoyed the most – ink with watercolours and digital (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator).  I think that the strongest of my drawing skills is ability to crating quite successful illustrations digitally. I have been working with Wacom tablet and Adobe Photoshop for three years now I think that I am doing better each time I am making something.
I wish to have an opportunity to study Illustration with Animation, to develop my talent and deepen my knowledge about animation and drawing. I will try my best to reach set goals and to be successful on the course.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Primary source drawing - pencils. For most of the time while creating the image I've been working on shading and textures which was quite difficult to draw correctly.
Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Tablet. Swords were created in two stages first- in a program called Alchemy.  I draw many little shapes which I formed in sword shape. Second - I opened the image i Adobe Photoshop where I added colours, shades and 3d effects. The backgroud also was created in Alchemy and Adobe Potoshop.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Photograph I took in Wales. I like the scene captured on the photograph and even it's not a quality image because it was taken with mobile camera I'm quite proud of it.
Created with Adobe Photoshop and Wacom tablet. I've been working on the image for 2 days. It's a secondary source drawing. On the picture my sister and little brother. 
Work of my favorite artist - Alejandro Colucci recreated by me. A4 canvas - oil paints. I'm not really satisfied with this piece and I think that my skills at using paints are very weak in addiction I don't enjoy using paints because it brings me lots of difficulties to create a successful piece.
Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Tablet. Secondary source drawing. The only thing I don't like about the image is hair. I think that it's my favourite pice of work, I absolutely love shading and the fact that the person I've draw looks realistic.